This presentation has been developed as an educational tool for interested citizens and activists wishing to learn more about water privatization issues and for use by communities mobilizing to prevent corporate privatization of their water services and resources. It provides a broad overview of the corporate-driven trend toward the
privatization and commodification of water. The presentation will be updated periodically to
reflect new developments.
Viewers will learn of citizen victories and ongoing challenges in the United States and around
the world, from a defeated proposal to pump water from under the Mojave Desert in California
to pre-paid water meters in South Africa. It also looks at how global institutions and
trade/investment agreements promote privatization of water services and even of water itself.
There is a growing global movement of water activists. You, too, can become involved by
starting in your daily life and in your community.
Click here to view the presentation as a printable PDF file "Water for People and Nature: The Story
of Corporate Water Privatization" by Janet M
Eaton & Ruth Caplan, Released April 2003
Click here for an HTML version which has poorer graphic quality but does not require downloading a 3.5 MB PDF file
"Water for People and Nature: The Story
of Corporate Water Privatization" by Janet M
Eaton & Ruth Caplan, Released April 2003
If you would like to use this presentation for a workshop or meeting,
please contact Ruth Caplan, rcaplan@igc.org