Take the Pledge to Think Outside the Bottle! Join the thousands
of people across the country who are pledging to choose tap over
bottled water.
Click here
to take the pledge.
Get Active To Stop The Water Privateers
with your Mayor.
a small group of friends that know the Mayor. Ask if he/she attended
the 75th U.S. Conference of Mayors in Los Angeles, June 22-26, 2007.
Remind him/her that at the Conference, the Mayors overwhelmingly passed
a resolution that stressed their support for municipal, public water
systems and called for study of the environmental costs of bottled
water and the impact of plastic bottles on city waste. Ask if your
Mayor voted in favor of this resolution at the Conference, or supports
it, and might be willing to join you in a press conference or to make a
public statement of support.
At present (October 18, 2007) the Mayors of the following cities
support the Pledge: San Francisco, San Leandro, and Emeryville,
California; Boston, MA; Minneapolis, MN; and Salt Lake City, UT.
Add your Mayor to this list!
Click here for a copy of the Resolution to take to your Mayor and press release
U.S. Mayors Pass Mayor Newsoms Resolution Calling for Support of Municipal Water, Study of Bottled Water Impact
Go to a City Council
Meeting. At public
comment period, tell the City Council that you personally have taken the
Bottled Water Pledge. Pass out copies of the pledge to City Council members,
reporters who cover the council, and some people in the audience, and read the
Ask your
City Council members to stop serving and drinking bottled water at council
meetings. Let them know that Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, for example,
has cut funds for the purchase of bottled water for public offices. Because these meetings are frequently
televised live and replayed on Public Community Access T.V., this is a perfect opportunity
to get free air time. You might
even politely offer them a glass pitcher of water.
You might
also inform them of how harmful the production, use and discard of plastics are
to the environment and especially to the health of young children.
Click here for flyers to use in your organizing.
this issue to your local School Board meeting which may also be televised, and speak at public comment period.
Let them know about the Bottled Water Pledge, as well as your concerns about
the harmful effects of plastic production, use and discard. Parents, teachers
and administrators should be concerned about contamination of the environment
and harmful effects on children.
to some of your favorite local restaurants, find out if they serve bottled water. Talk to the
manager and encourage him/her to take bottled water off the drink list. Let
him/her know that a number of major restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area
and New York have stopped serving bottled water and others across the country
are joining the list. Let them know you understand bottled water provides
income from sales and that purchase of an in house filter and carbonation
system may be expensive, but worth the investment.
Let our
Office Manager Barbara Clancy know by email of your success on any one of these
actions. Let her know the name of
your Mayor and or Restaurant Manager and city where located so we may make a
report at the end of the Blue October.
last March, a number of news articles highlighted restaurants that were only serving tap water in
particular: Alice Waters in her
famous Berkeley, CA restaurant Chez Panisse, and Mario Batali at Del Posto, in
New York City.
Now Bella Luna and the Milky Way Lounge and Lanes in Boston have joined.
How about your local restaurants? Lets add them to the list!
To protect our water resources
and keep water clean and safe, we must re-invest in our public drinking
water and waste-water treatment systems, NOW.
Many of our city water pipes and sewers were installed in the early
part of the 20th century, some as far back as the Civil War. As the
systems age and population grows, more and more leaks develop and
sewage overflows into our streams, rivers, lakes and ocean, creating
serious public health hazards.
Public health agencies issued
more than 20,000 warnings against swimming at beaches on U.S. coasts in
2005. A majority of beach closings are due to sewage overflows and
malfunctioning sewage plants.
The National Research Council
recently warned that we should expect more water-borne disease
outbreaks if there are not "substantial investments" made to improve
our water pipes and systems.
In fact, there is currently a
shortfall of more than $22 billion per year between the funds available
and what is needed to keep water safe for human and environmental
health. The federal government has cut the main source of funding for
clean water year after year. It's time to fill the funding gap with a
trust fund - a dedicated funding source and sustained commitment to
safe and affordable public water.
Sign here to Congress to provide the funds needed to protect our water sources and keep our water clean and safe.